Secrets To Dog Training - Step 1 Of 3

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The Ultimate House Training Guide!
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What I'll get in The Ultimate House Training Guide...

You’ll learn:

  • How to PUT AN END TO your puppy or adult dog’s indoor ACCIDENTS, and how to better COMMUNICATE with your dog in the process.
  • Why the most COMMON REACTION to accidents is also the LEAST CORRECT.
  • Why the GREATEST RISK is often not a matter of whether or not your puppy will learn, but rather how much CONFUSION AND STRESS your training methods may cause.
  • Why “CONFINEMENT” doesn’t mean the same thing to you as it does to your dog.
  • How even positive reinforcement (the way you pet your dog) can be physically intimidating if not done properly.
  • Which PRODUCTS may help you in the house training process, and which may be a waste of your money

You’ll get:

  • A comprehensive explanation of the 3 PROVEN house training METHODS: you’ll be able to decide which method will work best for you and your dog.
  • SOLUTIONS to all kinds of common problems associated with house training
  • Illustrated, step-by-step instructions (featuring “Spot-less,” the Kingdom of Pets Spokes-puppy).
  • FREE email access to our Dog Forums.
  • BONUS SECTION that includes transcripts of individual case studies and clients’ questions answered personally by Scoop Olliver or one of our other experts.

As well as a very special bonus:

Meals For Your Dog: 180 Gourmet Recipes

  • Along with all the incredible dog training and dog behavior changing material you already get with The Ultimate House Training Guide, I'll also give you 180 delicious dog food recipes, guaranteed to be fast and easy to make, as well as saving you money on your dog food bill!

PLUS, if within 60 days you haven’t experienced an extraordinary improvement in your dog's behavior and training following the techniques in Secrets to Dog Training, or if you’re dissatisfied with Secrets to Dog Training in anyway, your refund request will be honored instantly.

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Upgrade to Secrets to Dog Training Premium
For Just $59.95...

Get over 5 hours of online video training with professional dog trainers Brian Heward and Susan Morton as they cover everything from Aggression, to Alpha Dog training, to Problem Barking, to Socialization.

Plus, the videos include In Field training sessions. So you get real scenarios, involving difficult and unpredictable pets.

These videos are designed so that they’ll play on ANY computer!


Here’s what you get…

Online Video 1) How to Stop Dog Aggression [Part I]

Put an end to your dog's aggression towards strangers or family members, address fear aggression, and territorial aggression. Ensure that your dog never becomes a threat by following these simple steps.


Online Video 2) How to Stop Dog Aggression [Part II]

Does your dog play too aggressively? Is he possessive of toys, food, or people? Does he fight with other dogs? These online videos will take the aggression out of the equation.


Online Video 3) How to Stop Your Dog from Barking

How to control your dog's barking. We teach you what different types of bark mean, and show you how to communicate to your dog so that he knows when and where it is appropriate to bark.


Online Video 4) How to Stop Your Dog's Biting & Chewing Problems

How to stop your dog from biting, nipping, and chewing. Our professional dog trainer shows you amazingly simple but hugely effective techniques that will get these behaviors under control.


Online Video 5) Alpha Dog Training

Alpha Dog Training. Find out how pack instincts are shaping your dog's actions, and how you can use them toward your advantage.


Online Video 6) In Field Training: Real Life Case Studies of Dog Training in Action

See first-hand how trainers Brian and Susan resolve a variety of dog behavior issues from separation anxiety to pulling on the lead and more.

UPGRADE to Secrets to Dog Training Premium for another $59.95 Now! Just check the box on the order form above!